The Decline and Dehumanization of Higher Education

With the current admission of new students, universities (concentrated in Malang and Outside Malang) clearly did not heed our demands on previous Thursday actions on education issues.

M Rifki Kurniawan
3 min readMay 22, 2022
Design copyright : M Rifki Kurniawan (22/05/2022)

The base money at State University is like a cannon for anyone who cannot afford to compete in our dilapidated education system. Reporting from expreaionline- Diponegoro University, the base money is named Institutional Development Donation (SPI). The amount varies, ranging from six million rupiah to 150 million rupiah. Not much different, at Universitas Brawijaya the base money withdrawn ranges from Rp 9,375,000 to Rp 232,500,000. While at UPN Veteran Jakarta is more expensive. The base money at Malang State University itself is eroded by the Faculty of Economics reaching 25 Million and UKT 8 Million. The base money is withdrawn from Rp 25 million to Rp 250 million. Seeing the high cost of base money pegged obviously makes papas like me shake their heads.

Dehumanization participates in the world of campuses, the criminalization of student organizations regarding curfews hinders the development of interests and talents. Not to mention the many access to education that does not indicate if the Campus is the process of entering and out of intellectual dialectics. For example, the dismissal of the Suara Usu board, the assumption of Communism against the pulpit that held discussions with the left, to the threat of DO for anyone who generates opinions in public.

We also condemn for students who become lackeys of campus bureaucracy or campus public relations, which always destroys the student movement to achieve democracy. Seniority inevitably becomes hirearkis who destroy dreams in processing and fight oppression on campus. Attempts at democracy have always failed with those who are feudal, intellectual.

In UIN Maliki Malang, there is no serious process for survivors who are victims of sexual abuse. Again the word seniority is like a dock that must be protected by guardrails between victims and perpetrators, which makes students become campus public relations for personal interests. Campus regulations should protect the course of the academic process and the process of developing students both in the academic field, student rights, talents and interests. “The good name of the campus” became the pretext for the campus to establish itself from criticism. When critical reason is silenced, what we defend is not only the victim, but also science and common sense.

The admission of new students is just a finger count. Educational issues are increasingly rife and massive in every limi. No doubt, we reopen this space as their provision if our education is not okay. The College is directed to become an industry retainer. Critical traditions are silenced. Liberalization and commercialization of education are increasingly rife.

College issues vary, ranging from openness of information, freedom of expression, sexual violence, persecution, and others. The meeting point of these problems is that the campus seems to be a sacred place where criticism is haram.

According to Darmaningtiyas (2014: 24) In Indonesia, capitalistic expansion in the education sector gained momentum when Indonesia was hit by the 1997 crisis and the signing of the Washington Consensus by Suharto. The signing of the treaty can be seen as an endorsement of formal legally conducted colonization for the sake of one purpose, the accumulation of unlimited capital. Consensus policy is in the form of 1) fiscal order, 2) reorganizing public spending in education, health and infrastructure, 3) tax reform, 4) liberalization of interest rates, 5) competitive exchange rates, 6) free markets, 7) liberalization of investment from abroad, 8) privatization, 9) deregulation, and 10) guarantee of property rights.



M Rifki Kurniawan
M Rifki Kurniawan

Written by M Rifki Kurniawan

Nama nya M Rifki Kurniawan, pemuda desa yang gemar bersastra dan berpetualang, yuk follow Instagram aku @rifki.k_

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